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A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance) Page 3
A Forever Kind of Love (Kimani Romance) Read online
Page 3
“How’d this happen, Aunt Mo?”
“Because she’s hardheaded and doesn’t like to take care of herself.” Maureen shook her head. “I know part of it is my fault. With everything going on this week with Daddy’s funeral, I haven’t been paying as much attention as I should. I usually make sure she checks her blood sugar.”
“Don’t start blaming yourself.”
“Oh, I’m not blaming myself entirely. She’s a grown woman, and she knows what she should and shouldn’t do. But like I said, she’s hardheaded. People have been bringing food over to the house around the clock, and she’s been nibbling on everything. I know they mean well, but it just makes it harder to keep the wrong foods out of Mama’s mouth.”
Familiar guilt assailed Mya once again. It wasn’t solely up to Aunt Maureen to take care of Grandma. Mya should have been here helping. Her grandparents had raised her since the age of three, after her mother had decided to leave Gauthier and make a life for herself with the first in a string of men.
It was the best thing that could have happened to Mya. Her grandparents had always been there for her, but she had not done the same in return.
Corey stalked into the waiting room. “How is she?” he asked.
“We’re still waiting on the nurse,” Aunt Mo answered.
He sat in the seat across from Mya, his knees braced apart. Snippets of grass clung to the short hairs on his legs.
“You don’t have to stay,” Mya told him.
“I’m not leaving until I know Mrs. Eloise is okay,” he answered.
“I can call—”
“Don’t try to explain anything to him,” Aunt Mo said. “He’s as stubborn as your grandmother, which is why they get along so well.”
“You and my grandmother get along?” Mya blurted. “She hated you when we were growing up.”
“She got over it,” Corey said in a clipped voice that clearly told Mya to do the same. He rested his elbows on his thighs and clasped his hands together.
The aroma of sweat, grass and dirt hit Mya square in the face, reminding her of how he’d smelled when he would come to her after baseball practice, not bothering to take a shower. In her horny, sex-crazed teenage mind, it hadn’t mattered one bit. They would go at it like rabbits in the cab of his daddy’s dusty pickup, parked under that big pecan tree in old Mr. Herbert’s field.
Mya tore her eyes away from his toned brown legs. She didn’t need any reminders of those long-ago mistakes.
Corey rose. “I need coffee,” he said. “Anybody else want some?”
“I’d love some,” Maureen answered. “There isn’t any here, though. The nurse said the coffeemaker is broken.”
“There’s a little place right next door called Drusilla’s. They sell good egg-and-cheese sandwiches. You want something to eat?”
“Just the coffee,” Aunt Mo answered.
“Mya?” Corey asked.
She shook her head. “I’m fine.” Truth was Mya didn’t trust her stomach to keep anything down. She was a ball of nerves. She doubted the condition would improve until she saw her grandmother alert and well.
Minutes passed with only the low hum of a late-model television mounted in the corner making any noise. It was the quiet peacefulness that alerted Mya that something was missing. “Where’s Elizabeth?” she asked Aunt Mo.
“I don’t know,” her aunt said with an agitated wave of her hand. “The gift shop, I think.”
“She would find somewhere to shop,” Mya snorted.
“That’s how she calms herself down. Don’t complain. I’d rather her out there bothering those people than in here bothering me.”
“I know you had the chance to drown her at birth,” Mya said.
Aunt Mo nodded. “I should have taken it. Though you wouldn’t be here.”
“It’s a sacrifice I’d have made to save the planet from Elizabeth Dubois.”
As if she’d heard her name, her mother burst through the waiting room door, followed by a doctor in green scrubs and white tennis shoes.
“She’s going to be okay,” Elizabeth cried.
Mya jumped from her seat and rushed over to the doctor, trying not to hold her high blond ponytail and Hello Kitty earrings against her. Mya wasn’t too keen on her grandmother’s life resting in the hands of someone who looked barely out of medical school.
“How is she?” Mya asked. “Can we see her?”
“She’s going to be fine,” the doctor answered patiently. “You’ll be able to see her soon.”
“What happened?” Mya asked.
“Well, her blood glucose levels were extremely high—”
“But she’s okay now?” Maureen cut the doctor off.
The doctor nodded.
“Thank you, God.” Mya collapsed into the chair nearest the door. Elizabeth was the one who usually favored dramatics, but relief that she would not bury both grandparents within a week was so overwhelming, it knocked Mya’s legs right from under her.
“Can we bring her home today?” Aunt Mo asked.
The doctor’s eyes darted around the room. “Can you all follow me?” she asked.
Anxiety thrummed through Mya’s veins at the seriousness she sensed in the doctor’s voice. “What’s wrong? Is she really okay?”
“Yes. Yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to alarm you. There are a couple of things we need to discuss regarding Mrs. Dubois’s care, and patient confidentiality prevents us from discussing it here in the waiting room.”
Mya accepted the explanation with a nod, but still walked on shaky legs as they followed the doctor to a room two doors down. The square plaque next to the door had Privacy Room embossed on it in raised letters.
“Is my mother going to die?” Elizabeth asked as soon as the door closed.
“Not anytime soon,” the doctor answered. “If she continues to take her insulin and monitor her blood sugar levels. However, we did see an abnormality on her initial blood scan. We want to keep her to run a few more tests.”
“What type of abnormality?” Maureen asked.
“I don’t know enough yet. Any time flags are raised on the blood tests of a diabetic, we take it seriously. I’d rather be overly cautious than miss something and see her back here in a few weeks.”
“Do whatever you need to do,” Mya said. “As long as she’s okay.”
“Absolutely,” the doctor answered with a smile. “I’ll send a nurse to the waiting room to let you all know when you can see her.”
The morning had been an emotional roller coaster, but at least they now had the doctor’s word that her grandmother would be okay. Mya welcomed the muscle-relaxing flood of relief that rushed through her body.
“Well, I guess I should call myself a cab. It’s time for me to get out of here,” Elizabeth announced.
The muscles in Mya’s neck and shoulders instantly tensed. “What do you mean it’s time for you to get out of here?”
“My plane leaves in three hours. I’m running late as it is. It’ll take me at least an hour to get to the airport, and I wanted to stop in New Orleans for a few things before I fly out.”
“Mother, are you seriously leaving while your mother is in the hospital? Before even going in to see her?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Mya. I swear you should be on the theater stage instead of designing costumes for other actors.”
Mya turned to her aunt, who stood at the door to the privacy room, her hands crossed over her chest. “Did she just call me dramatic?” Mya asked.
“Just let it go, Mya. Let her go.”
“Yes, please, let me go,” Elizabeth said. “It’s time for me to get back to civilization. I swear I don’t know how you people in Gauthier can stand it. There’s not even a Starbucks.”
Anger simmered beneath
Mya’s skin. She had been just as anxious to get back to New York, but there was no way she could leave with her grandmother in the hospital. Apparently, Elizabeth didn’t share the same sense of responsibility.
“You will never change,” Mya huffed with a disgusted snort. “I don’t know why I expected anything different from you.”
“Well, I certainly won’t stand here while you look down your nose at me.” Elizabeth stalked over to the door in her high-heeled sandals. “Tell Mama I’ll see her next time I’m in town. And take better care of her, Maureen.”
“You have the nerve—” Mya started, but her aunt raised her hand, cutting her off.
“I will take better care of her. Now go on. You’ve got a plane to catch.”
Elizabeth nodded and, without another word, turned and walked out of the privacy room.
As soon as she was gone, Mya stomped up to her aunt. “Why would you let her talk to you that way? As if it’s your fault that Grandma is in the hospital.”
“Haven’t you learned that the best way to deal with your mother is to say whatever is necessary to get her gone?”
“But Grandma is just as much her responsibility as she is yours,” Mya pointed out. “I hate how she treats you, Aunt Mo. And the way she walks around as if she’s better than everybody? It just sickens me.”
“Mya, your mother has been that way since she was a little girl. She has always been too good for this little town and the people in it. I learned a long time ago that the best thing to do as far as Elizabeth is concerned is to just ignore her. Just let her go,” her aunt stressed.
Mya clutched her hands at her sides, trying to release some of the pent-up anger coursing through her blood. Aunt Mo was right. Letting Elizabeth get on that plane was the best thing for all of them. Now they could focus on her grandmother.
“You have your own plane to catch, don’t you?” Aunt Mo asked.
“I’m not going anywhere until I know Grandma is okay. I can spare some time off,” Mya continued when she saw her aunt about to protest. “I’m between shows right now, and anything else I need to do can be accomplished via email.”
Maureen shrugged her shoulders as they exited the privacy room. “I won’t waste my time arguing. Lord knows you’re just as stubborn as Elizabeth.”
Mya gasped. “You would compare me to that woman?” She put her hand to her chest as if covering a wound. “Now that’s just mean, Aunt Mo.”
As soon as they reentered the waiting room, Corey shot up from his seat. “Is everything okay? I came back from Drusilla’s and you were both gone.”
“The doctor took us to another room to update us on Mama’s status,” Aunt Mo answered. “She’s fine, but they want to keep her to run additional tests.”
Mya saw the way his shoulders wilted with relief and she was struck again by this complete one-eighty. Fifteen years ago, Corey Anderson was enemy number one in her grandmother’s eyes. She’d claimed he was only after one thing and had forbidden Mya to see him. It hadn’t stopped her, of course. Mya had been intrigued; she had craved the taste of trouble.
As a cocky seventeen-year-old, Corey had done everything he could to live up to her grandmother’s low expectations of him. He’d encouraged Mya to sneak out of the house at all hours of the night. He’d snuck liquor from his daddy’s liquor cabinet and gotten her drunk on more than one occasion.
And let’s not forget the biggest trouble of all—her brush with the stork.
Corey had never learned of the pregnancy and, as far as Mya knew, her grandmother still thought the two nights Mya had spent in the hospital was from a vicious stomach bug that had been going around. Aunt Mo was the only one who knew about the baby she’d miscarried at seven weeks. She doubted her grandmother and Corey would be so chummy now if either of them knew about that little incident.
Mya pushed back against the wave of shame that threatened to crash through her whenever she thought of the child she’d never told Corey about, and the heartache it still summoned. It was too long ago to even matter anymore.
Corey’s cell phone trilled. He held up a finger and answered. “Yeah?...Tell me you’re lying.... Damn.” He pocketed the phone. “I need to go.”
“That’s fine, honey,” Aunt Mo said, giving him a hug. “Thanks for bringing Mya.”
Her aunt turned to her. “They’ll probably put Mama in her own room soon, so I’m going to run back to the house to get some clothes, and then come back here for the night. They’ll only let one family member stay, though.”
“I know,” Mya answered. “I’ll go home once visiting hours are over.”
“What time do you want me to come back and pick you up?” Corey asked.
“I’ll call Phil,” Mya answered, knowing her best friend, Phylicia, would drop whatever she was doing to be at her side. “I don’t plan to leave the hospital anytime soon anyway,” Mya said. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
A smile, subtle though it was, inched up the corner of his mouth. “No one ever doubted you’d be fine, Peaches.” He kissed Aunt Mo on the cheek. “I’ll see you later. You tell Mrs. Eloise not to scare us like that anymore.”
Mya watched as Corey left the waiting room. She waited until she was sure he was out of earshot before turning to her aunt. “What’s going on here?”
“What?” Aunt Mo asked.
If Mya didn’t spend her life around the theater, she would have bought the innocent act. “Don’t even try it,” she said. “When did you, Corey and Grandma all become best friends? The two of you both hated him.”
“We did not hate him,” her aunt protested. “At least I didn’t. I was just concerned that he was a bit too fast for you. With good reason,” her aunt added with a pointed look. “But all of that is beside the point. Corey’s not the boy he was when you two were in high school.”
“How do you know that? He’s been gone from Gauthier nearly as long as I have.”
“That’s not entirely true,” her aunt said. “Corey visited several times a year when his daddy was still living. He moved back last year to coach the high school baseball team.”
“You still haven’t explained why he’s all of a sudden your new BFF,” Mya said.
“My what?”
“Forget it.” Mya sighed. “I just think it’s strange. Grandma thought those Anderson boys were nothing but trouble back when I was in high school, and now she’s got one cutting her grass? Why didn’t she ever mention him when I called home?”
Her aunt hunched her shoulders. “Maybe she didn’t think it was a big deal to you. As far as Mama is concerned, everything between you and Corey ended after you graduated from high school.”
“It did end after graduation,” Mya stated. “Still...”
Was there a “still”? Corey was nothing more than a guy she’d dated a long time ago. It had been years since she’d seen him, since she’d had anything to do with him. Why should it matter after all these years that he’d moved back to town and ingratiated himself to her family?
A nurse entered the waiting room. “Dubois family?”
“Right here,” Mya called. She and Aunt Mo sprung from their seats like coils in a new mattress. “How is she?” Mya asked the nurse.
“She’s doing well. She’s in room seventeen. Follow me—I’ll take you to her.”
Chapter 3
Corey pulled into an empty parking spot between two Gauthier P.D. cruisers. He noticed his friend Jamal’s shiny silver-and-black quad cab parked a couple of spaces down. He walked through the front doors of the brick building and was greeted by Manny Gilbert. Manny, who had spent his last two years of high school as shortstop for the Gauthier Fighting Lions baseball team, was now a cop.
“Where are they?” was Corey’s greeting.
“In the back. We left them in the cell.”
“Good,” Corey said. “Safer for them to have bars between us.”
“Don’t be too hard on them. We did much worse when we were on the team.”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t coaching the team back then. Any stupid crap they get into reflects on me.”
By the time they reached the cell area, Corey could feel the vein in the middle of his forehead throbbing. The three knuckleheads sat shoulder to shoulder on a bench inside the cell. Jamal Johnson stood just outside the cell door.
He and Jamal had been friends for years, ever since they’d played collegiate ball together. Jamal had decided to make Gauthier his new home earlier this year, and he had offered to help Corey out with the baseball team since the school district had turned down Corey’s request to hire another assistant coach.
“So they called you first?” Corey asked Jamal.
His friend shrugged. “Guess they thought I’d go easier on them.”
He nodded toward Manny, then stood to the side as the man disengaged the lock. Corey stepped into the holding cell, bracing his feet apart and crossing his arms over his chest.
“You three really thought I wouldn’t hear about this?”
“Sorry, Coach,” they said in unison.
“What did they do to the house?” Corey directed his question to Jamal.
“Took the porch light out with a BB gun. Covered a few of the windows with black paint. Pissed on the back steps.”
“Junior high stuff,” Corey snorted, shaking his head. He turned to Manny, who had taken the spot next to Jamal outside of the cell. “How long are they in here for?”
“Coach!” Terrence Smith, his star outfielder, jumped up from the bench. “You can’t leave us here.”
“You did the crime, didn’t you?” Corey fired at him.
“And you were stupid enough to get caught,” Jamal added.
“We were just playing around,” Terrence maintained.
“By vandalizing the assistant principal’s house? You three couldn’t think of anything better to do?”
“They’re lucky Donaldson is out of town. He would demand you three be locked up,” Manny said.